Results for 'Louise W. Hedstrom'

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  1.  47
    Concepts and Cases in Nursing Ethics. [REVIEW]Louise W. Hedstrom - 1992 - Teaching Philosophy 15 (3):289-291.
  2. John Dewey and Jane Addams debate war.Louise W. Knight - 2014 - In Brian Jackson & Gregory Clark (eds.), Trained capacities: John Dewey, rhetoric, and democratic practice. Columbia, South Carolina: The University of South Carolina Press.
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    Love on Halsted Street : a contemplation on Jane Addams.Louise W. Knight - 2010 - In Maurice Hamington (ed.), Feminist Interpretations of Jane Addams. Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 181.
    Jane Addams had two romantic partnerships during her years as Head of Hull House, one with Ellen Gates Starr and the second with Mary Rozet Smith. This paper traces the story of these two relationships, highlighting their importance in sustaining her emotionally and examining to the extent possible the place of sexuality in both.
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    the semantics of gradability, vagueness and scale structure.Elena Castroviejo, Louise McNally & Galit W. Sassoon - 2018 - Springer.
    This volume is the first to focus specifically on experimental studies of the semantics of gradability, scale structure and vagueness. It presents support for and challenges to current formal analyses of these phenomena in view of experimentally collected data, highlighting the ways semantic and pragmatic theory can benefit from experimental methodologies. The papers in the volume contribute to an explicit and detailed account of the use, representation, and online processing of gradable and vague expressions using various kinds of controlled speaker (...)
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    The impact of a shift in organizational role on ethical perceptions: A comparative study. [REVIEW]Shohreh A. Kaynama, Algin King & Louise W. Smith - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (5):581 - 590.
    This study investigates ethical decision-making by considering the differences in ethical judgments between undergraduate business and MBA students on selected ethical issues facing employees and managers of today's businesses. The study further investigates differences in ethical judgments between undergraduates and MBAs in terms of a perceived position as an employee or as a manager. The findings indicate that undergraduate students tend to be more ethical than MBA students and that both groups tend to be more ethical when they perceive themselves (...)
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    Books for review and for listing here should be addressed to Emily Zakin, Review Editor, Department of Philosophy, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056.Louise M. Antony, Norbert Hornstein, Robert W. Bailor, Laurence BonJour, Ernest Sosa, Warren Bourgeois, Sharyn Clough, Elliot D. Cohen, Ronald F. Duska & Brenda Shay - 2003 - Teaching Philosophy 26 (3):331.
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    Architecture without ArchitectsThe Peoples' ArchitectsThe Human Prospect.Louise Ballard, Bernard Rudofsky, Harry S. Ransom, Lewis Mumford, Harry T. Moore & Karl W. Deutsch - 1966 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 25 (2):226.
  8.  29
    Who’s Watching? Accountability in Different Audit Regimes and the Effects on Auditors’ Professional Skepticism.Florian Hoos, Jorien Louise Pruijssers & Michel W. Lander - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (2):563-575.
    The European Commission has suggested that the use of joint audits should lead to improved auditor skepticism and—by extension—audit quality, through increased accountability. However, archival research does not find support for improved audit quality in a joint audit setting. To better understand the relationship between accountability in different review regimes and auditors’ judgments, we examine the behavioral effect of implementing a joint audit relative to other review regimes based on a 1 × 3 experimental design. Forty-seven senior auditors and partners (...)
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    Contextual Positive Psychology: Policy Recommendations for Implementing Positive Psychology into Schools.Joseph Ciarrochi, Paul W. B. Atkins, Louise L. Hayes, Baljinder K. Sahdra & Philip Parker - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Elucidating the component processes involved in dyslexic and non-dyslexic reading fluency: An eye-tracking study.Manon W. Jones, Mateo Obregón, M. Louise Kelly & Holly P. Branigan - 2008 - Cognition 109 (3):389-407.
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    Eloge: Carolyn Eisele, 1902–2000.Mary Louise Gleason & Joseph W. Dauben - 2004 - Isis 95 (4):649-652.
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    Seven Decades of History of Science: I. Bernard Cohen , Second Editor of Isis.Joseph W. Dauben, Mary Louise Gleason & George E. Smith - 2009 - Isis 100 (1):4-35.
  13.  29
    Growing towards care: A narrative approach to prosocial moral identity and generativity of personality in emerging adulthood.Michael W. Pratt, Mary Louise Arnold & Heather Lawford - 2009 - In Darcia Narvaez & Daniel Lapsley (eds.), Personality, Identity, and Character. Cambridge University Press.
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    Philosophical Logic.Robert L. Arrington, M. Burkholder Peter, James Shannon Dubose, James W. Dye, Bertrand K. Feibleman, Max Hocutt P. Helm, N. Lee Harold, N. Roberts Louise, C. Sallis John & H. Weiss Donald - 1967 - New Orleans, LA, USA: Tulane University.
    With this issue we initiate the policy of expanding the scope of Tulane Studies in Philosophy to include, in addition to the work of members of the department, contributions from philosophers who have earned advanced degrees from Tulane and who are now teaching in other colleges and universities. The Editor THE LOGIC OF OUR LANGUAGE ROBERT L. ARRINGTON Wittgenstein wrote in the Tractatus that "logic is not a body of doctrine, but a mirror-image of the world. " 1 In line (...)
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  15.  74
    Art as Icon; An Interpretation of C. W. Morris.Louise Nisbet Roberts - 1955 - Tulane Studies in Philosophy 4:75-82.
  16.  26
    Charles W.J. Withers, Geography and Science in Britain 1831–1939: A Study of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2010. Pp. xvii+278. ISBN 978-0-7190-7976-4. £60.00. [REVIEW]Louise Miskell - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Science 44 (2):297-298.
  17. Situating Feminist Epistemology.Louise M. Antony - 2000 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 8:31-40.
    I understand feminist epistemology to be epistemology put at the service of feminist politics. That is, a feminist epistemology is dedicated to answering the many questions about knowledge that arise in the course of feminist efforts to understand and transform patriarchal structures, questions such as: Why have so many intellectual traditions denigrated the cognitive capacities of women? Are there gender differences in epistemic capacities or strategies, and what would be the implications for epistemology if there were? I argue here that (...)
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    Book Review Section 6. [REVIEW]Michael S. Littleford, William Hare, Dale L. Brubaker, Louise M. Berman, Lawrence M. Knolle, Raymond C. Carleton, James La Point, Edmonia W. Davidson, Joseph Michel, William H. Boyer, Carol Ann Moore, Walter Doyle, Paul Saettler, John P. Driscoll, Lane F. Birkel, Emma C. Johnson, Bernard Cleveland, Patricia J. R. Dahl, J. M. Lucas, Albert Montare & Lennart L. Kopra - 1974 - Educational Studies 5 (4):292-309.
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    Kurt Gödel. Collected Works. Volume 1: Publications, 1929–1936. Edited by, Solomon Feferman, John W. Dawson, Jr., Stephen C. Kleene, Gregory H. Moore, Robert M. Solovay, and Jean van Heijenoort. xviii + 474 pp., frontis., illus., bibl., index. 1986. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. $34.95 .Kurt Gödel. Collected Works. Volume 2: Publications, 1938–1974. Edited by, Solomon Feferman, John W. Dawson, Jr., Charles Parsons, Robert M. Solovay, and Jean van Heijenoort. xv + 407 pp., frontis., illus., bibl., index. 1990. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. $34.95 .Kurt Gödel. Collected Works. Volume 3: Unpublished Essays and Lectures. Edited by, Solomon Feferman, John W. Dawson, Jr., Charles Parsons, and Robert M. Solovay. xx + 532 pp., frontis., illus., bibl., index. 1995. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. $39.95. [REVIEW]Louise Golland - 2002 - Isis 93 (3):517-518.
  20.  36
    Gauss W. and Kiriatzi E. with contributions by Georgakopoulou M., Pentedeka A., Lis B., Whitbread I.K. and Iliopoulos Y. Pottery Production and Supply at Bronze Age Kolonna, Aegina. An Integrated Archaeological and Scientific Study of a Ceramic Landscape (Contributions to the Chronology of the Eastern Mediterranean 27; Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie 65). Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2011. Pp. 527. €192. 9783700168010. [REVIEW]Ann-Louise Schallin - 2013 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 133:255-256.
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    Thinking Merleau-Ponty Forward / Review of Louise Westling . The Logos of the Living World: Merleau-Ponty, Animals, and Language.W. John Coletta - 2015 - Biosemiotics 8 (1):145-151.
    A central thesis of Louise Westling’s highly accomplished and provocative The Logos of the Living World: Merleau-Ponty, Animals, and Language is that “human language and aesthetic behaviors emerge from our animality” . What is perhaps most compelling about her thesis is that she supports it by exploring how an evolutionary continuity between an always already languaged world and human being-in-the-world can be understood without having to employ the dangerous logic of social Darwinism or some schools of evolutionary psychology and (...)
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  22.  15
    Marilyn Ogilvie;, Joy Harvey . The Biographical Dictionary of Women in Science: Pioneering Lives from Ancient Times to the Mid‐Twentieth Century. Foreword by, Margaret W. Rossiter. 2 volumes. xxxviii + xxvii + 1,499 pp., indexes.New York/London: Routledge, 2000. $250, Can $375. [REVIEW]Louise S. Grinstein - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):170-170.
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    Louise Antony's Philosophers Without Gods: Meditations on Atheism and the Secular Life. [REVIEW]R. W. Fischer - 2009 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 66 (2):119-123.
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  24.  19
    The Earthquake of 1906, the Christian Anarchy of Dorothy Day, and the Opened “Tomb” of René Girard.Ann W. Astell - 2008 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 15:19-43.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Earthquake of 1906, the Christian Anarchy of Dorothy Day, and the Opened “Tomb” of René GirardAnn W. Astell (bio)The autobiographical writings of Dorothy Day (1897–1980) feature a childhood memory of catastrophe and conversion, her traumatic experience at age eight of the earthquake that rocked San Francisco and Oakland in 1906, leaving half of San Francisco in ruins and sending 50,000 refugees in flight from the burning city, many (...)
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  25.  42
    Louise H. Marshall;, Horace W. Magoun. Discoveries in the Human Brain: Neuroscience Prehistory, Brain Structure, and Function. xii + 324 pp., illus., bibl., index. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 1998. $59.50. [REVIEW]Tara H. Abraham - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):290-291.
  26. Adorno, Theodor W. Can One Live after Auschwitz?: A Philosophical Reader. Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 2003. Pp. xxvii+ 525. Cloth, $75.00. Paper, $29.95. Antony, Louise M. and Norbert Hornstein, editors. Chomsky and His Critics. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2003. Pp. viii+ 342. Paper, $29.95. [REVIEW]James A. Arieti, Patrick A. Wilson & Daniel Baraz - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (4).
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    Lost in Space, on Jane and Louise Wilson , with essays by Jeremy Millar and Claire Doherty.Maria Walsh - 2004 - Film-Philosophy 8 (2).
    _Jane and Louise Wilson_ With Essays by Jeremy Millar and Claire Doherty London: Ellipsis, 2000 ISBN 1-84166-027-2 84 pp., inc. 120 b/w photograph.
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    A Study in the Commerce of Latium from the Early Iron Age through the Sixth Century B.C. By Louise E. W. Adams, Ph.D. Pp. 84. Northampton, Mass.: Smith College Classical Studies, 1921. [REVIEW]H. S. G. - 1922 - The Classical Review 36 (1-2):42-.
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    Feminist Interpretations of W. V. Quine.Lynn Hankinson Nelson & Jack Nelson (eds.) - 2003 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    As one of the preeminent philosophers of the twentieth century, W. V. Quine made groundbreaking contributions to the philosophy of science, mathematical logic, and the philosophy of language. This collection of essays examines Quine's views, particularly his holism and naturalism, for their value to feminist theorizing today. Some contributors to this volume see Quine as severely challenging basic tenets of the logico-empiricist tradition in the philosophy of science—the analytic/synthetic distinction, verificationism, foundationalism—and accept various of his positions as potential resources for (...)
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    Feminist Dystopia and Reality in Louise Erdrich’s Future Home of the Living God and Leni Zumas’s Red Clocks.Silvia Martínez-Falquina - 2021 - The European Legacy 26 (3-4):270-286.
    This article examines two recent examples of feminist dystopias: Louise Erdrich’s Future Home of the Living God and Leni Zumas’s Red Clocks. True to their genre, these novels act as w...
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    Teatr domowy królowej Marii Kazimiery w świetle jej korespondencji z najstarszym synem.Aleksandra Skrzypietz - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 27 (2):199-216.
    The purpose of this article is to show the Roman home theater of Queen Marie Casimire Louise de La Grange d’Arquien as a topic she addressed in her letters. The sources are based on her correspondence with her eldest son; these sources are one-sided, as only the queen’s letters are known, while the letters of Prince James have not survived or have not been found. In 1698, the widowed Marie Casimire left Poland and moved to Rome to spend the (...)
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    Cultural Contradictions: Jane Addams' Struggles with The Art of Life and the Art of Life.Charlene Haddock Seigfried - 2010 - In Maurice Hamington (ed.), Feminist Interpretations of Jane Addams. Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 55-80.
    In this chapter I explore various facets of Addams' approaches to culture as art and as structures of life because they illuminate not only her struggles to reconcile competing perspectives and values, but also because these issues are recurring features in the development of feminist analyses of culture. -/- “This well-crafted collection of essays recognizes Jane Addams as the inspiring and occasionally provocative feminist she was. Connecting Addams’s pragmatism to social theory, political philosophy, queer theory, postcolonial theory, and more, the (...)
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    Theory Materialized: Conceptual Art and its Others.Pedro Erber - 2006 - Diacritics 36 (1):3-12.
    Through deeply divergent strategies, W. J. T. Mitchell's What Do Pictures Want? shares with Mieke Bal's Louise Bourgeois' Spider: The Architecture of Art-Writing and Ernst van Alphen's Art in Mind the attempt to discuss the ways in which theory materializes in concrete, nontextual objects. Erber analyzes their different positions on the matter, against the background of a questioning of the "object" contemporaneously developed by two avant-garde artists in the 1960s: Hélio Oiticica, from Rio de Janeiro, and Tokyo-based Akasegawa Genpei.
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    The Wistar rat as a right choice: Establishing mammalian standards and the ideal of a standardized mammal.Bonnie Tocher Clause - 1993 - Journal of the History of Biology 26 (2):329-349.
    In summary, the creation and maintenance of the Wistar Rats as standardized animals can be attributed to the breeding work of Helen Dean King, coupled with the management and husbandry methods of Milton Greenman and Louise Duhring, and with supporting documentation provided by Henry Donaldson. The widespread use of the Wistar Rats, however, is a function of the ingenuity of Milton Greenman who saw in them a way for a small institution to provide service to science. Greenman's rhetoric, as (...)
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    Literature as Exploration.Walter H. Clark & Louise M. Rosenblatt - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 4 (2):150.
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    Othering diversity – a Levinasian analysis of diversity management.Sara Louise Muhr - 2008 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 3 (2):176.
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    Emmanuel Levinas: ethics, justice, and the human beyond being.Elisabeth Louise Thomas - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    This book explores Levinas's rethinking of the meaning of ethics, justice and the human from a position that affirms but goes beyond the anti-humanist philosophy of the twentieth century.
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    The ethics of Community Empowerment: tensions in health promotion theory and practice.A. Braunack-Mayer & J. Louise - unknown
    Copyright © 2008 by International Union for Health Promotion and Education.
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    E. W. Beth. On machines which prove theorems. Simon Stevin, vol. 32 (1958), pp. 49–60.E. W. Beth - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 34 (4):659-659.
  40.  27
    The Cosmology of Giordano BrunoPaul-Henri Michel R. E. W. Maddison.W. Donahue - 1975 - Isis 66 (2):276-276.
  41.  13
    Das Bild der Frau in „Der Spiegel" aus der Perspektive der feministischen Linguistik.Anna Pałczyńska - 2011 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 7.
    Tematem niniejszego artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy i jak zmienił się język niemiecki pod wpływem jego feministycznej krytyki. Wtym celu autorka analizuje dwa pochodzące z tygodnika "Der Spiegel" artykuły, z których jeden - Grete im Wunderland - ukazał się w 1996 roku, a drugi - Die Alpha-Mädchen - w roku 2007. Prezentowana ananliza opiera się na zainicjowanej przez Trömel-Plötz w 1978 r. feministycznej krytyce języka niemieckiego oraz postulowanych przez wyżej wymienioną oraz Louise F. Pusch zmianach tegoż języka.
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    The art of nursing: an aesthetics?Louise de Raeve - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (5):401-411.
    This article explores the question of whether or not the ‘art’ of nursing can properly be described as an ‘aesthetics’. The author concludes that, although much nursing literature on the subject is confused and even incoherent, there is nevertheless some justification for seeing a connection between the art of nursing and aesthetics. The philosophical writings of Martha Nussbaum and Iris Murdoch are used to support this position.
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    History of Chemistry The Atomic Debates. Ed. by W. H. Brock. Pp. ix + 186. Leicester University Press, 1967. 35s.W. V. Farrar - 1967 - British Journal for the History of Science 3 (4):405-406.
  44. Parmenidejskie wyzwanie.W. Zięba - 2002 - Ruch Filozoficzny 3 (3).
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    Erkenntnistheoretische Aspekte des psychodiagnostischen Abbildungsprozesses.W. Zimmermann - 1980 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 28 (3):373.
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    The Harvard lectures of Alfred North Whitehead, 1924 -1925: philosophical presuppositions of science.Alfred North Whitehead - 2017 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Edited by Paul A. Bogaard, Jason Matthew Bell, Winthrop Pickard Bell, William Ernest Hocking & Louise Robinson Heath.
    Beginning in September of 1924, Alfred North Whitehead presented a regular course of 85 lectures which concluded in May of 1925. These represent the first ever philosophy lectures he gave and capture him working out the philosophical implications of the remarkable turns physics had taken in his lifetime. This volume finally recreates these lectures by transcribing notes by W.P. Bell, W.E. Hocking and Louise Heath taken at the time - many of which have only recently been discovered and including (...)
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  47. Extracts From Recent Correspondence [Signed W. Taylor], Revised. The Christian's Relation to the State, and War.W. Taylor - 1916
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    Psychiatry as Mind-shaping.Jodie Louise Russell - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-24.
    I argue that psychiatric researchers, clinicians, and the wider public actively regulate the minds of individuals with mental disorder through the prescriptive processes of mind-shaping (see Andrews in South J Philos 53:50–67, 2015a; Andrews in Philos Explor 18(2):282–296, 2015b; McGeer, in: Folk psychology re-assessed, Springer, Berlin, 2007; McGeer in Philos Explor 18:259–281, 2015; Mameli in Biol Philos 16(5):595–626, 2001; Zawidzki in Philos Explor 11(3):193–210, 2008; Zawidzki, in: Kiverstein (ed) The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of the Social Mind, Taylor and Francis (...)
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    Mental and perceptual feedback in the development of creative flow.Genevieve M. Cseh, Louise H. Phillips & David G. Pearson - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42 (C):150-161.
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    Creating the conditions for self-fulfilment for aged care residents.Sonya Brownie & Louise Horstmanshof - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (6):777-786.
    In 1991 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Principles for Older Persons as a framework for international policy responses to population ageing. These principles promote independence, participation, care, self-fulfilment and dignity as legitimate entitlements of all older people. Although these principles, or variations of them, are embedded in standards of best-practice in residential aged care facilities, the literature shows that in reality institutional care can deny older people opportunities to exercise some of these entitlements. More specifically, residential aged care (...)
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